Wednesday 23 June 2010

Post 2.

Creativity can be defined in many ways, such as having an idea or thought and transforming it into reality, in an unusual and original way. This however is limited within media productions, as there are specific codes and conventions that you must follow in order to be the same genre, so there leaves little space for creativity, as if you think too far out of the box, this would no longer be the same genre. On the other hand, this helps those creating the product, as these are like guidelines on how to help make the genre they want.

Previously, In a media lesson, we were given the specific task to play the game consequences. This is a simple game where in turns, you go around the group writing down a word, noun, verb or adjective, and this then creates a sentence. Once we had this, we were asked to get the images from Google, and create the sentence, and this was I came up with.

This task was creative in a number of ways. To start, thinking of the words to go in the sentences, and seeing the range of different choice of words by other students. Another way in which each of us in our group was creative was the images we chose, and the way in which we assembled the sentence, as each of us came up with different end products. This task however is somewhat un-creative, as we were given the specific task, and instructions on what to do; write the words, and find the images from Google. I liked this task, as it was fun to do and was interesting to see all the different outcomes.

After evaluating this task and the effectiveness of the instructions, we were given an additional task. This time, we were given a camera and very little instructions which included;
*this had to be roughly two minutes long
*it had to include a pen and
*we had to film the exact frames, as we cant edit
This is what my group came up with:
This task gave us more freedom in what we would include and how we would use it, and i think this task was quite difficult, as we had to use a lot more of our imagination, and this was sprung onto us without any warning. unlike the previous task, this task also have us a lot more choice as to what to film, but because of this, it was difficult pin pointing our ideas down, as there was five of us in our group. Overall, I think that we worked well as a group, got our ideas down together quickly and filmed effectively. In the media industry however, this can be quite challenging, as it has to be appropriate for the film. If they don't follow these guidelines for that genre or certificate, then this is confusing for the audience and with inevitably loose the interest of the audience. This makes it difficult for industries to be original and creative, as they have to be similar and recognisable.

In my own words, I think creativity is the product of an initial original idea and how is produced into reality. This can have many forms, such as art, film, text and can all have different effects.
For some of our independent study, we were asked to show in our own way our ideas of creativity. I chose the word 'Love' and shows different ways to describe it through pictures and words. I think this is creative, as this made us as a class think about how we could show creativity in our own ways. This task was again quite hard, as we didn't have much to go with, and had to use a lot of our own imagination. This has furthered my understanding of 'creativity', as I know that this is really difficult to do, and have to try and think 'outside the box'.

These three tasks have shown me that there are many different ways to be creative, and that all of us have differnet ideas of how to be creative. When making our production in the future, we can use each of our unique styles of creativness in order to get the best outcome for our production.

Post 1.

In preperation for our exams in the future, we need to understand the definition of the word 'skill', so we can relate to this when we are in the exam. Here are a few websites that define the word 'skill'. definition:
This website had a straight forward, and used simple language to understand. Here it uses words such as 'ability'; this could link in with my future media project, in the way that I prove I can complete certain tasks. For example editing, as I can have the ability to do well from prior knowledge and experience.

Wikipedia definition:
This website was a lot more detailed and used examples which would help make the point. They also highlighted the point that skills can be learned. This is particularly true when starting a media project, as you always learn new skills, and these skills will help improve my production to the best of my ability.

Word net definition:
This websites wasn't the best for me, as it only gave other words for skill, such as accomplishment with the quote 'the ability that has been acquired through training'. This is a similar point as Wikipedia, saying that it has been taught to a person, and in this way, they have acquired the skill.

All definition:
I feel that this was the best website, as not only was this easy and simply explained, but also gave a comparison; that skills were not innate talents that we have naturally, but its what we learn.

My understanding of 'Skill' is the learned, or trained ability of an individual in a certain area that they enjoy. This is not innate and has to be learned in some way or another, and some may have better knowledge of this skill than others, but you may have better skills in other areas than others.

This can be related to my media productions in the future, as I need practice and re-jog my memory on certain skills that i have previously acquired in the past for the production.