Wednesday 14 July 2010

Genre theory reading


The definition of genre from is "a class or category or artistic endeavor having a particular form, context, technique or the like". According to Daniel Chandler, creating categories helps keep organised and prevents chaos. Chandler points out that very few media films have all the characteristics of the specific genre they have chosen. Also, due to the recent interrelatedness of genres, they now have no clear distinction and fade and cross over into one another. Today genre is evolving and this is an ongoing process, and is thus a problem, as there is no absolute way to classify works.

Jane Feuer has divided ways to categorize genres into three different groups:

First category is Aesthetic. This is devised into certain characteristics and the overall work on the film. This however is not disparaged by generalisation.

The second category is Ritual. This uses its own culture to help classify. if one performs a ritual associated with a system of ritual, one can be said to be practicing as a member of that system.

Thirdly, and most commonly, ideological. This occurs in the marketing of either texts, music and film. The effectiveness of this category is measured by how well the public accepts these as valid.

Amy J. Devitt focused on rhetorical genre.

1 comment:

  1. This post is incomplete, start with an introduction into the concept of genre and how its not as easy as we think.

    Then you need to take a step back and go back through the PowerPoint slide by slide and reflect upon your own views about what they are saying, have an opinion.
