Wednesday 7 July 2010

Post 3: Skills

video clip:

Smart Targets:

1) In the next academic year, I want to vastly improve my organisational skills, as in the previous year, I have noticed that I had been lacking in the motivation to complete work in the set time, and this can unfortunately be seen in my work. I will achieve this, by making keeping on top and on track of my work, and completing them within the deadline. Not only will this improve my work, but will also benefit others in my group. In the opening sequence project, our group wasn't very organised, and this showed in our work, and dragged us down until the deadline.

2) I want to improve my language including technical language within my blogs, as I feel this was lacking in my last project. I will be able to achieve this by carefully thinking about what I am writing, and having a technical key words written down, so I can keep referring to them. This will not only help improve the quality of my work, but will also help my language skills. By reviewing how others have written in previous tasks, I can gain the knowledge of the style of writing and the language.

3) I also want to advance my skills in the area of independent study. This was a problem in my previous projects, as I did not take the initiative to do my own study, so this year, I want to pick this up and do more than previously. This will help my understanding of the task and overall my work will improve.

4) In the next project, i want to pick up better understanding of the edit suites, as in previous tasks, I found myself continually asking for help with some of the tools, and I want to be able to familiarise myself with these on the edit suite in order to be able to edit in my own time. This can only be done by practice, however I feel that I can wait until we come round to editing to start this. With my understanding of the tools in the edit suite, I will be able to help others in my group as well as others in my class, as a teacher is not always around to help out.

5) My blogger last year was terrible, so this year I will keep on top of the contents and again be more organised in how I set it out and make sure I have all the information needed for me to be up to date with all the information. This will keep my focus on what to do and I will be able to help others, if they needed help.

1 comment:

  1. If you need guidance on how to get your video clip please ask, if not get this post finished asap. Can I draw your attention to target 5!

    Plus, can you make this post a little more visual please.
