Wednesday 20 October 2010

Post 3a: Target Progress.

In June, I had set myself five S.M.A.R.T targets including keeping on track with my blogger and it's organisation skills and improve my independent study areas. It has now been four months later, and I shall review how I have done since I set these for myself.

Target 1) organisational skills
I feel that in the last four months, I have improved my organisational skills, as I have kept on top of most my work so far, and have kept this standard quite high compared to last year. I also mentioned deadlines in my targets, and I feel that all the work I have been set has been achieved mostly within the deadlines set, however most of our work has been in the form of independent study. I will try my best to keep this up throughout the year until the end, as this will help improve my work for the end of the year.

Target 2) improve technical language
As I found last year, my technical language was somewhat lacking, and this was mainly because I rushed all of my work, and tried to get it all down at the last minute. I feel that this time round, I have improved my language, as I have spent more time on my Blogger, and spent time choosing the right way to put sentences so that they are technical. This will inevitably help me in the exam, as I will show I have the right terminology and hopefully get more marks.

Target 3) Independent study
Last year in my Blogger, I did not have the will to do my own independent study, however as this year most of our work was done in the form of independent study, this has helped me to get the motivated to do my work. This has helped me as I know I may not have done so much, if I had to do this all by myself. I know I will carry on my personal study. This too will help towards the exam, as the better I do in this area, the more chance I have of getting a higher mark.
Target 4) Edit suite
I previously stated that I wanted to improve my skills when using the edit suites, however I cannot comment on this yet, as we haven't started working on the edit suites yet.

Target 5) Blogger. I feel that I have improved in my Blogger this year a lot more than last year, as I have pushed myself to do the work more than previously. I have also along side this improved in my layout of the blog with images and colours, and I will carry this on in the future. I also said that I would be able to help others with their Blogger's if they were in need of help, and this has happened this year, and I was relieved that I was able to help them. Again, this will help towards my final mark, so doing the best I can and as much as I can in this area will help with my final overall grade.

I think to help me achieve these targets to the best of my ability, I need to spend a lot more time on them, and completeing them as soon as possible, as this way I will be on top of what I have to do.

1 comment:

  1. Keep relating it to skills developed as this is what the exam question will be on. What and how have you developed different skills throughout your time studying media?
