Monday 16 May 2011

Evaluation Question 4

Question 4 - How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
New media has played a major role while making our short film. While constructing our film in the beginning, we used many medias to create them, mainly including the computer. Using Microsoft word and Microsoft excel with the pre production. Before creating our film though, we also used some technology that we needed to use in the film to practice and make sure that we knew how to use the equipment well. Through the Internet and first hand experience we were able to achieve this.

There was also the use of the Internet to help us with the research in order to find much knowledge and help around certain areas while preparing for our film. We also was able to watch a number of short films to gain the understanding first hand about the conventions of short films. Through the use of YouTube as well, we were about to watch a variety of other short films from all over the world to then further our understanding and knowledge of conventions of a short film.

With our evaluation, media has become very use full. Through the use of YouTube we were able to upload our short films, along with other documentations and gain feedback from those who watched our short film. This then enables other people from all ages and from around the world to watch our film. This is an essential piece of media for the short film industry, as they will be able to upload their film and show off their skills to the whole world; otherwise they would have to make their film good enough to be accepted to be in a short film prize show, and even if they are good enough, they may not get accepted or recognised. By the Internet, everyone gets a fair chance to show off their work.

We are also also able to upload these websites and videos onto our Blogger and add links to other sights as well, and this is will help widen out our understanding and help those who look into our blogs.

There is another factor that we used to help with our production, and that was Photo shop. This was used to mainly help create our postcards. This was helpful as we were able to use our imagination, and have the ability to have a wider range of tools to make a better postcard.

If there was none of the technology available today, then we would have to make the film with old fashioned cameras instead of the newer hand held cameras. As with the photoshopping aspect of it all, we would not have the option to change the images we would have wanted on the postcard, and would have had to use a single image from the film. We would then have to multi-print the images on an old printing press to how much we would need. But this would have been very time consuming and would cost much more money.

We would not have the use of the Internet either and this would mean that it would be harder to advertise our short film to a wider range of people, as you can let people from all over the world see your film if it uploaded onto the Internet. Thus we would have to have shown our short films at festivals or on a cinema screen to show people.

We would also not have the edit suites, so we would have to make each shot count, as well as the acting. We would need minimal mistakes and would have to create the images in the dark room. This would also be very time consuming, and would not be able to make edits to the film or be able to add titles in the film.

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