Tuesday 17 May 2011

Evaluation Question 3

Question 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I asked some of my peers, teachers and target audiences, these questions about my film;
- How did you enjoy the film?
- What message did you receive from the film?
- What would you change about the film?
- What was good about the film?

Overall, they all enjoyed my film, complimenting on the plot line, the acting and the setting, but they did have mixed views about the message. Some had it tight by saying what goes around comes around, but other felt that the message was just about why people bully. They also had varied idea about what to change about our film. Some felt that the scenes needed to be longer, some felt that the ending needed to be changed, and some felt the dialogue needed to be changed. Many felt that the story line was good as it hasn't been shown on that angle before, and some complimented that the whole piece felt really real in the setting, clothing and people.

I also asked them similar questions including the following about my postcard;
- How well is my postcard presented?
- What do you understand about my postcard?
- What would you change about my postcard?
- What was good about my postcard?

All the people I asked felt that my postcard was well presented, and those who knew about the conventions of a postcard felt that mine shadowed this well, with a good few twists on it. They liked my postcard and felt that it reflected the genre and storyline well, and praised my editing skills within this. They also liked how I had continued the theme of purple throughout the front and back of my postcard. They understood the message of the postcard, and knew that it would have something to do with the alley way, and the colours and edits on the postcard showed this well. However some said that it was a bit plain, and would like to have seen a person in the image, and some said that they thought the birds in the sky were a bit pointless.

Finally I asked them questions about my review;
- How well written and presented was my review?
- What do you understand about how I felt in my review?
- What would you change about my review?
- What was good about my review?

From the feedback that I received, I can see that this was my weakest subject matter. Many said that the layout page was well presented, and followed the conventions of a film review, but the content was not any better. They felt that my opinions kept changing and felt that I was 'wishy-washy' in some areas of the review. They would change quite a bit of my review, but only the words, as they were the weakest point. But visually it was well done, and liked how I had copied well the designs of a normal sight and sound article.

From these questions I feel that overall I have produced some very well pieces of work, and think I have been able to do what I planned to do in the first place, other than the review, which I felt is my weaker  but I knew this in advance, as I know I am not great at writing reviews, and could tell this when writing my review.

Here are some reviews on videa from my peers and a teacher;

From the feedback we received, I learned that it was harder to get across what I wanted, as others perceive some aspects different to others. I found this evident with the review back from Jan Wright. I can see what she means, and I should have covered every aspect of each scene to check that everyday would have understood this.

This feedback was from the final pieces I had, and therefore could not change anything, but along the way, I was constantly asking other's opinions to make sure I as heading down the right track, and made changes where necessary. For example, I had much change on my postcard, as my original idea didn't fit with the theme and the edits I had made on photo shop didn't match with the film.

I think, if I was to redo this project, I would change the storyline within our short film, as I felt that there could have been a bigger impact on the story if there was some changes, and would have put another scene at the end to show her in the future. This would have also made the film longer, and more like a short film that has an actual ending.

If I had the choice I would have had different group members, but this was a decision not up to me, and was unavoidable, and unchangeable.

I would have also maybe changed the costume of the main character, as looking back, it doesn't seem like she has a bad background form the clothes she is wearing. But other than these few minor elements, I wouldn't have changed all that much.
This image shows how we used Photoshop in our projects, in many ways; for our postcard, for our film review and used this programme to insert images so it will be able to go onto our blogger.

Here on youtube we were able to upload our films and other bits and pieces. This is useful as people from all over the world can acess this and we can upload our videos on our blogger.

Through the use of Google we have been able to research manny aspects around our filming and conventions and job roles etc, and this has helped us as it gives us another angle on what to do and how aspects in filming are.

 With the aid of an edit suite we were able to create and piece together our film, put them into the correct sequence and to add titles to the film. This is helpfull to us as we can make our film look as proffessional as we could. This also gave us the chance to improve the level of sound in our film that may have been lost or damaged when filming and were ableto put music over the top of our film to create a mood.

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